"Every Sunday we ride and this was just one of those days. 8 am at Daisy’s for coffee and a plan, same as always. It was a beautiful day so we rode north. A few of the boys had plans so they pulled off as they needed to and left Ross, Daniel and I to it. We went to Wenderholm beach, east coast. Spring is here and it’s a stunning ride and view. What next boys? BEER and PIZZA!!!!
There are some fantastic roads that run from coast to coast around Auckland so an hour and a half later we’re on the west coast at the Riverhead Tavern. Amstel light (we’re riding after all) and Pepperoni pizza - the day could not be any better.
Time to head off again and I’m leading, pull out of the gravel car park (the front is all bike parking, it’s a pretty popular spot for riders) and I’m about 50 metres onto the road when CRUNCH, that’s it, just the noise and I feel myself spinning head over heels through the air. I see a black car and then a blue one, then just as quickly as it happened it was over, I’m sitting on my bum on the road. I’m okay, I know I’m okay but I sit there for a few minutes to make sure. Yup, I’m okay. I landed on my arse and my elbow. I don’t have a scratch on me. My SA1NT Adventure pants have given at the stitching but the denim is basically unchanged.
The driver pulled out blind from behind a van that had stopped to let us go. I hit them square on and flew 10 metres (6 if you ask anyone else) over their car and landed beside a parked car.
Luck was on my side but so was the denim that saved my butt cheek from any real damage. The same cannot be said for my BMW. Rest in pieces."
- Preston
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