Crash Date: Sunday, 18 June 2017
Crash Location: Mt Tamborine, Gold Coast QLD
Destination: Ride Event: Motosocial at the Sandbar Gold Coast
SA1NT Gear: SA1NT Unbreakable Indigo Jacket, SA1NT Model 1 Jean
Last Sunday I woke up early excited to go on my first motorcycle group ride from Brisbane City to Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast. It had been raining all week leading up to the weekend and I was delighted to wake up to blue skies and not a cloud in sight. It was going to be a good day for riding.
Typically I don't head out for mountain rides until mid-morning to give the sun a chance to dry the roads, however on this particular morning I was starting early to join up with the Brisbane Cafe Racers Group at Smoked Motorcycles to ride through Mt Tamborine before heading to the Motosocial at the Sandbar event in Surfers Paradise (Gold Coast).
On the ride down to the Gold Coast I caught up with some mates at BP Yatala and we headed to Mt Tamborine for my first time riding the mountains in the Gold Coast hinterlands. This is where I quickly learnt that Number 2191 Tamborine Mountain Rd needs your full attention. Heading down the road, I was the last in our group to take a sharp right hand corner that was still wet and covered in morning dew. I lost control, went lowside and slid for a couple of seconds straight into a guard rail that was waiting to collect me (see attached photo) and then was spat back out onto the road and slid for another second or two. My first reaction was to roll to the left to avoid being run over by the car that was following me and then I quickly got up, dusted myself off and checked for injuries. I checked my right knee (this took some heavy impact and slide time), my right wrist/palm, my right hip, my right ankle and the right side of my helmet. All the body parts that hit the road. By some kind of miracle and thankfully wearing my SA1NT Unbreakable Jacket and SA1NT Model 1 Jeans I managed to walk away with a few scratches and bruises (and concussion and whiplash).
The SA1NT jacket and jeans didn't wear through and don't really even have signs of wear from sliding. If I hadn't rolled up my jacket sleeves and taken the armour out of the SA1NT Model 1 jeans I'd be surprised if I even sustained any scratches or bruises at all. Because of this, I was able to continue riding with my mates around Mt Tamborine, join up with the rest of the group at Surfers Paradise and live to tell this tale.
Also, a big shout out to dude on the Harley Davidson for helping me get my bike upright and giving it a once over.
Thanks for saving my skin,